
Showing posts from September, 2017

The Most Popular Unpopular Film in the World

Tommy Wiseau is a mysterious character. He claims to have grown up in Louisiana, and lived in France, but his accent isn’t like either. No record of his name is found on any tracked records, so nobody knows how old he is. He claims to be about 48, others claim he is older. Nobody knew anything about this secretive, long-haired man – at least not until 2003, when the bizarre, almost surrealist movie ‘The Room’ came out. He was the writer, director, producer, lead actor, and financier – with money he claimed came from selling irregular jeans and real estate (there is also no evidence of this). One of the supporting actors claimed that Wiseau had an epiphany from a near-death experience, which led to him following his dream of becoming an actor – a dream which still seems farfetched to this day. The Room had a budget of $6 million, financed by Wiseau’s unknown wealth. How much did the film gross? $1,800. The equivalent of about 180 tickets, or a large screen at a multiplex. Most of W